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Kinder in Nord-Thailand

…haben nicht viel zu lachen…

Unser Mitglied Markus Mönig, lebt seit einiger Zeit in Thailand und hat sich dort auch ein Bild von den Nöten der Bevölkerung machen können. In Nord-Thailand, in Chiang Rai, stieß Markus auf eine Institution, die Elternlosen Kindern zu einer Zukunft ohne Zwangsprostitution verhilft. Die Kinder lernen lesen und schreiben und wir hoffen, dass Sie sich irgendwann mal selbst helfen können…., aber jetzt müssen wir es erst einmal tun! Wir sind sehr froh, dass wir der DEPDC 3000,-€ aus unserem Topf zur Verfügung stellen können.

Unser lieber Markus hält das Projekt vor Ort im Auge und Berichtet uns immer wieder von Neuigkeiten! Vielen Dank Markus! Vielen Dank allen Spendern!

Das Team von Golf & Humor


Development and Education Programme for Daughters and Communities Centre P.O. Box 10 Mae Sai, Chiang Rai 57130, Thailand +66 (53) 733-186 +66 (53) 642-415  

January 19, 2010

Sa-wat-dii-kha! Greetings, Golf & Humor Foundation,

In response to your recent gift to the Development and Education Program for Daughters and communities Center (DEPDC) in Mae Sai, Thailand I join with the children and staff in saying thank you, Khawp Khun Kha, for your generosity.

Your very kind gift of 3,000 EUR will make an immediate difference in the lives of children in Thailand’s northernmost province, who are at-risk of being trafficked in the commercial sex industry.

Unfortunately, children of the Shan, Tai Lue, Ahka, Lua, Chinese, Burmese and Lao minority groups have no nationality or identity papers and are too poor to enroll in the formal, government-sponsored educational system. DEPDC’s free education, vocational training, and human rights education would not be possible without generous donations like yours, and these children would be open targets to be lured, sold or coerced into the sex industry or other exploitive labor situations.

The good news is that, thanks to your generosity, more than 140 children are currently enrolled in our Half Day School, and more than 200 community members—children, workers, housewives, businesspeople, and monks—are currently enrolled in our Community Learning Centre. DEPDC’s teachers educate them without discrimination, regardless of race, ethnicity or political status.

We are extremely grateful for your generosity, your trust, and most importantly, your commitment to our mission. On behalf of the children and staff of the Development and Education Program for Daughters and Communities Center, we thank you for your generous support and kindness.

Yours sincerely,

Alinda Suya

DEPDC Directing Team Secretary
Development and Education Program for Daughters and Communities Center
Mae Sai, Thailand